Patrick Spaziante, or "Spaz" as he is commonly known, is an American comic book artist known for his work for Archie Comics, in particular his interior pencil and cover work for Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic X and Sonic Universe. He is also known for his work on Dreamwave Productions' Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Nickelodeon Comics' Avatar: The Last Airbender and Marvel Comics' Muties, as well as his illustration work for Simon & Schuster's children books.
Spaziante was a member of a group along with Ken Penders and Steven Butler known collectively as "The Sonic Team" (not to be confused with "Sonic Team", the original creators of the franchise), because of their extensive work on the series. The trio interviewed with Offenberger as they approached the 150th edition of the Sonic the Hedgehog series. In the interview, Spaz talked about the early years he spent as an up-and-coming comic book artist with Archie Comics and what it was like to work his way up.
The first comic he is credited for designing the cover art for was Sonic the Hedgehog #21 (April 1995). That issue was the first to introduce E.V.E. (Exceptionally Versatile Evolvanoid), who became a recurring character of that series. Spaziante also worked on Sonic the Hedgehog #25 (August 1995), which was adapted directly from Sonic CD, released two years prior to the release of that comic.