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Path of Saint Charles

The Path of Saint-Charles (Cammino di San Carlo) is an historical, artistic and devotional route which follows the travels of saint Charles Borromeo from Arona, his native town, and Viverone, where the path joins the Via Francigena.

The 200 km may be divided in twelve stages for walkers and in four stages for bikers.

This path is one of the most important ways of CoEur - In the heart of European paths.

The birth of the path is due to a research made about saint Charles and his passages in northern Piedmont and of the Biellese territory in particular. This research allowed to trace the numerous transits of Borromeo through the valleys of Biella. We also have proofs of his presence in this area thanks to the many consecration of altars and churches between 1610 and 1640, year of his canonization.

Saint Charles passed through the northern Piedmont many times throughout his pilgrimages and his travels. Many places have trace of his transit and we also have information thanks to his letters.

In 1571, 1578 and 1584, he visited the Sacro Monte di Varallo in order to check its construction. He also stopped there during his many travels between Milan and Turin in order to visit the Shroud of Turin.

In September 1584, Saint Charles was in the Biellese territory in order to visit a relative of his, the marquis Besso Ferrero Fieschi of Masserano, who was sick. After leaving Masserano, Charles went to Vercelli and afterwards to Turin, to visit the Shroud. He went back to Biella on 10 October, when the marquis Besso died. The next day, the saint went to Masserano to minister the burial.

The day after he left for Varallo, where he arrived on 12 October. He stayed there until 29 October and, despite his malaria, he left for Switzerland to sign a document, and afterwards he went back to Milan, where he died on 3 November.

