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Pascal case

In programming, PascalCase is the practice of writing compound words or phrases such that the first letter of each concatenated word is capitalized. No other characters are used to separate the words, like hyphens or underscores.

For example:

This is different from camelCase in which the first letter can be lowercase or capitalized and each subsequent concatenated word is capitalized.

For example:

"camelCase" isn't necessarily PascalCase, but "PascalCase" is.

PascalCase and camelCase may be compared to Snake_case in which the words are always combined with an underscore character (_).

For example:

Microsoft adheres to PascalCase and camelCase usage for variables of three or more letters. Common contemporary usage classes PascalCase as a special type of CamelCase, namely upper camel case, whilst camelCase as defined above is termed lower camel case. For further details, including history, see main article Camel case.

