Panchpana is the combined territories and thikanas ruled by the successors of Maharao Shardul Singh of Jhunjhunu, who belonged to the Bhojraj Ji Ka clan of shekhawats. The Bhojraj Ji Ka Shekhawats ruled over two territories; Pentalisa and Panchpana. The Bhojraj Ji Ka clan of Shekhawats were the most prominent among the shekhawat rajputs. They built many magnificent forts in their thikanas. Panchpana thakurs ruled over highest number of thikanas in Shekhawati. Many thikanas had their own flags and emblems.
Thakur Shardul Singh, a descendent of Rao Bhojraj Ji, conquered Jhunjhunu in 1730 from the Kayamkhani Nawabs. Shardul Singh had six sons, namely, Thakur Jorawar Singh, Thakur Kishan Singh, Thakur Bahadur Singh, Thakur Akhe Singh, Thakur Nawal Singh and Thakur Kesari Singh. Unfortunately, Bahadur Singh had expired in an early age. Later on Shardul Singh’s estate was divided into five equal shares among his five sons. These five shares were known as Panch Pana. Akhe Singh died without issue, so his share was given to the other brothers. Thakur Shardul Singh's sons and their descendents founded many new well planned and prosperous Thikanas.