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Painted Bride Quarterly

Painted Bride Quarterly  
Abbreviated title (ISO 4)
Discipline literary magazine
Language English
Edited by Kathleen Volk Miller and Marion Wrenn
Publication details
Publication history
1973 to present
Frequency Quarterly
ISSN 0362-7969

The Painted Bride Quarterly, also known informally as PBQ, is a Philadelphia-based literary magazine. It was established in 1973 by Louise Simons and R. Daniel Evans in connection with the Painted Bride Art Center, an art gallery founded in 1969 in an old bridal shop on South Street in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The journal is supported by Drexel University in Philadelphia. It is staffed by a mix of volunteer editors and changing student staff. The magazine is published quarterly online and yearly in print. The magazine, which sees itself as "literary forum for poetry, fiction, prose, essays, interviews and photography", has a dual-city editorial staff in Philadelphia and New York. PBQ has featured works by such poets as Charles Bukowski, Etheridge Knight, Sonia Sanchez, Amiri Baraka, Simon Perchik, Yusef Komunyakaa, Gregory Pardlo, and Major Jackson, among others.

PBQ is the only magazine of its longevity to have a complete archive of its history available online.

In 1969, Gerry Givnish and a group of his artist friends founded a gallery space on Philadelphia's South Street in an old bridal shop. The cooperative gallery began a cultural revolution in the area. Soon, dozens of art galleries blossomed, but none as provocative, daring or enduring as theirs.

The group of artists staked their claim on their patch of street with a window display. Among the remains of the bridal shop was a mannequin, made up for some hellish ‘60s wedding she would never attend. The artists took her straight to the storefront to cause a scene, but not in a typical virginal, white wedding gown. Soon, the "Painted Bride" became a South Street attraction. People would stop by just to see what provocative outfit or lewd position she’d be in that day. She was the icon and namesake of the art center that, in 1973, gave birth to Painted Bride Quarterly.

