In an effort to reduce traffic speeds and "encourage safe driving", neighborhoods and cities have implemented Pace Car Programs.David Engwicht worked with Boise, Idaho to create the first Pace Car Program, "a citizen-based initiative" which has been implemented across the country in cities such as Salt Lake City, Santa Cruz, and Boulder. "Neighborhood pace car programs aim to make neighborhoods safer for pedestrians, bicyclists, and drivers. Resident pace car drivers agree to drive courteously, at or below the speed limit, and follow other traffic laws. Programs usually require interested residents to register as a pace car driver, sign a pledge to abide by the rules, and display a sticker on their vehicle".
The benefits of Pace Car Programs include:
Residential studies in Columbia, Missouri have determined that Pace Car Programs have reduced speed limits from 30 mph to 25 mph. The Tranportation Laboratory estimates "that each one mph reduction in average traffic speed provided a reduction of 6% in vehicle accidents for urban main roads and residential roads"