The P.T. Barnum Awards for Excellence in Entertainment is an annual awards ceremony honoring alumni of Tufts University for their work in the field of media and entertainment. The show alternates between New York City and Los Angeles, respectively titled "From Ballou to Broadway" and "From the Hill to Hollywood."
The award began as a 2005 collaboration of The Hill to Hollywood Network of the Los Angeles Tufts Alliance, the Film and Media Studies Program (CMS) at Tufts University, the Tufts Department of Drama and Dance, and the Tufts Office of Alumni Relations in celebration of P.T. Barnum’s love of entertainment and creativity, and the desire to honor members of the Tuft's community for their advancement of and success within the media and entertainment industries. The 2015 P.T. Barnum Awards expanded the ceremony's focus to include celebrating younger, up-and-coming Tufts alumni working in these industries through the inaugural P.T. Barnum Awards Young Alumni Showcase.
The 14th annual P.T. Barnum Awards will be held in New York City in June, 2018.
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Young Alumni Showcase:
Young Alumni Showcase:
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