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Oba of Benin
Reign 1483 - 1514
Predecessor Olua
Successor Esigie
Born  (2017-04-04UTC23:20)
Died 1520 (1521) (some accounts 1514)
Benin City
Father Ewuare

Ozolua, originally called Okpame and later called Ozolua n'Ibaromi (Ozolua the Conqueror), was an Oba of the Kingdom of Benin from 1483 until 1514. He greatly expanded the Kingdom through warfare and increased contact with the Portuguese Empire. He was an important Oba in both history of the Kingdom of Benin and retains importance in the folklore and celebrations of the region.

Prince Okpame was the third son of Ewuare who had significantly expanded the Kingdom of Benin during his reign from 1440 until 1473. Following the death of Ewuare, his eldest surviving son, Esi, was assassinated by a poison arrow at his coronation and his second oldest son, Olua, ruled with significant domestic dissent for seven years. After a short-lived rule of the kingdom by a collection of chieftains, Prince Okpame was named the Oba (in either 1480 or 1483) and took the name Ozolua.

His rule was defined largely by significant military expansion of the Kingdom of Benin. This included a successful attack against the Kingdom of Owo. While historical accounts of the battle differ, the end result left Owo with its independence while still requiring that it pay tribute to Benin. In diplomatic exchanges with the Portuguese, he claims to have been victorious in over 200 battles. These victories earned him the title Ozolua n'Ibarmoi (or Ozolua the Conqueror) and in statues and artwork he is often displayed as a great warrior.

Although limited trade and contact with the Portuguese had begun under his father Ewuare, the contact expanded significantly under Ozolua with Portuguese explorer John Alfonso d'Aveiro entering the capital Benin City in 1485 and accompanying Ozolua, although not participating, in war. Ozolua was intrigued by the possibilities of firearms for expansion of the kingdom but was informed by d'Aveiro that firearm trade was only possible with Christian allies of the Portuguese. As a result, Ozolua sent an ambassador to Portugal in the early 1500s to propose missionary activity in the kingdom and a royal conversion to Christianity in exchange for trade in firearms (at least one source indicates that he himself went to Portugal at some point). The Portuguese did not agree, but did send a group of missionaries to the kingdom in 1514. However, finding a kingdom uninterested in Christianity if it did not facilitate trade in firearms, the missionaries quickly left.

