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Oxalis debilis

Oxalis debilis
Pink woodsorrel
Oxalis corymbosa 2.jpg
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Rosids
Order: Oxalidales
Family: Oxalidaceae
Genus: Oxalis
Species: O. debilis
Binomial name
Oxalis debilis
Kunth 1822

See text

See text

Oxalis debilis, the large-flowered pink-sorrel or pink woodsorrel, is a perennial plant and herb in the Oxalidaceae family. Its original distribution is South America but has become a very cosmopolitan species, occurring in all continents except Antarctica. It can be found in both temperate and tropical areas.

The flowers, leaves and roots are edible, but this plant should only be consumed in small amounts because it contains oxalic acid that can cause calcium deficiency if eaten in larger amounts. The leaves have a sour lemony flavor.

It is a bulbous plant. The fruit is a capsule. The seeds are projected, with an elastic integument. In Europe the plants are sterile and are propagating only by bulbs.

Research on the naturalizing populations in China show the presence of 2 flower morphs, pollen with low viability and polyploidy.

There are two varieties:

'Aureoreticulata' ('aureo-reticulata') has attractive variegated leaves with flowers that are pinkish purple. This cultivar is also named ‘Gold Veined Oxalis’ (Yellow Vein Oxalis) with attractive yellow vein foliage. The symptom is associated with the presence of a begomovirus. This virus, designated OxYVV, is transmitted by the whitefly Bemisia tabaci.

The Royal Horticultural Society advices that it can be a serious weed.

Puccinia oxalidis is a fungus species in the genus Puccinia. This species is a causal agent of rust on plants in the genus Oxalis.

