Otto I (d. before 1088), Count of Duras, son of Giselbert, Count of Looz. Otto became Count of Duras upon the death of his father-in-law, Giselbert I, and also guardian of Saint Trudo’s Abbey. In a charter dated 1065, Adalbero III of Luxembourg, Bishop of Metz, confirmed Otto’s rights in regard to the abbey.
Otto married Oda, daughter of Giselbert I, Count of Duras. Otto and Oda had two children:
Otto and his sons and grandchildren played a major role in Saint Trudo's Abbey as well as Cathédrale Notre-Dame-et-Saint-Lambert, better known as St. Lambert's Cathedral, Liege. Upon his death, Otto was succeeded as Count of Duras by his son Giselbert.
Wolters, Mathias J., Notice Historique sur l’Ancien Comté de Duras en Hesbaie, Gyselinck, 1855 (available on Google Books)
Baerten, J., Les origines des comtes de Looz et la formation territoriale du comté, Revue Beige de Philologie et d’History, Volume 43, Number 2, 1965