Kjell Aronsen, known as "Oslolosen", is a fictional character on the Norwegian sketch comedy television show Uti vår hage 2, a show that ran on the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK) in the spring of 2008. The character, portrayed by Harald Eia, premiered in episode two of the show, and has also appeared in several shorter segments released directly onto the NRK website and on YouTube. As of 1 September 2011, some of the YouTube episodes have received as many as 800,000 views.
The character is a certified guide for the city of Oslo, though his title – "oslolosen" – uses a Norwegian word corresponding to the English "maritime pilot". The meaning of this becomes clear from his first appearance, where his job is to lead a group of men from Northern Norway – who have managed to get stuck in a roundabout – onto the right exit. He is consequently obliged by law to give the three men a guided tour of the capital. It later becomes clear that he also has a secondary task: to shoot with tranquilizer darts artists and performers who have arrived in Oslo from the countryside to realise their creative potential, so that they can be released back into their natural habitat. Little is known about Aronsen's own background, but according to himself a certified oslolos must be "conceived, born, brought up and molested" in Oslo. However, his use of the traditional Oslo dialect as well as his fondness for the East End, would suggest origins in the city's working class districts. He has a deep connection to the Sagene district, where it's often believed he was conceived.