The Orthodox-Catholic Church of America (OCCA) is an independent and self-governing Orthodox jurisdiction based in the United States, with clergy also in Mexico. As of July 2010, the denomination's online directory listed 27 affiliated parishes or missions, and two religious communities. The Church celebrates predominantly a version of the Western Liturgy (Roman Rite) though some priests also celebrate the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom (Byzantine Rite) or the Liturgy of Addai and Mari (East Syrian Rite). The OCCA is not associated with any mainstream Orthodox church.
The denomination is governed by a synod of diocesan bishops (currently seven) and a metropolitan archbishop. The current metropolitan is Robert Zahrt, known as Archbishop Peter. The ecclesial purpose of the OCCA is the worship of God in the Holy Trinity; the proclamation and continuing of the Orthodox faith as taught in holy scripture, the apostolic tradition and the seven ecumenical councils of the undivided and ancient Church of Christ. The OCCA is one of a number of churches seeking to blend Orthodoxy in an American setting. Its worship and beliefs are influenced by eastern and western and western orthodox traditions, and considers itself to be one "self-governing" church out of many in the Orthodox tradition. The OCCA is a standing member of the International Council of Community Churches (ICCC).
The clergy ordained by the denomination operate their ministries independently from the denomination. According to a statement on the OCCA website:
"The relationship between the Church and the congregation, consisting of its priests, deacons and members, is based upon their shared beliefs. There is no legal relationship between the Church and the congregation."
Thee OCCA accepts both men and women, married and unmarried, as candidates for ordination to all three orders of the apostolic ministry (deacons, presbyters, and bishops). The OCCA ordains openly lesbian, gay, transgender and bisexual persons as clergy and blesses their unions as it does those of heterosexual couples. Access to the seven sacraments is offered to all individuals regardless of sex or sexual orientation. The OCCA has two monastic (religious) communities. Monasticism within the jurisdiction takes either a Western, Eastern or Oriental form just as the liturgical identity of the church as a whole represents herself.