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Ork (Warhammer 40,000)

In the fictional universe of Warhammer 40,000, the Orks are a race and a playable army in the tabletop miniatures wargame. Alongside the Space Marines, Orks are one of the most iconic elements of the Warhammer 40,000 universe.

Orks revel in violence for its own sake; their entire culture revolves around warfare. They are one of the oldest, most widespread and persistent of the Imperium's enemies and even outnumber the quadrillions strong humanity as a species, making them the most numerous species in the galaxy. Their simplistic personalities, reckless tactics and ramshackle technology make them the comic relief characters of the setting.

The Orks are oriented towards melee combat; their ranged units are rather weak. Most of their units have weak armor and are thus easy to kill, but they are cheap and thus can make up for this weakness with numbers. A favorite strategy is "the Green Tide": the player fields as many Orks as he can and simply marches them across the playing field to overwhelm his opponent. Orks do have a number of specialized units who can cast spells and attack vehicles (among other things), but typically Ork warfare is about brute force and attrition. Ork gameplay is viewed as being fairly forgiving of tactical errors or bad die rolls.

The general appearance of Warhammer 40k orks is fairly typical of other orcs; they have a large-boxy build with varying shades of green skin. Much like other races of Warhammer 40k, the Orks are divided into divergent armies with their own color schemes, background, and play-style. For the orks, these armies are called "clans". Some examples include the "Goffs" Clan with black and white colors (sometimes in a checkered pattern) with splashes of red and a preference (by background) for melee combat; another clan is the "Evil Sunz" that features a red and yellow color scheme and has a preference for using bikers and vehicles while "Bad Moons " smother their armour in bright yellow. Some Bad Moonz, who are stricken with wander lust, or have more teef (the monetary system used by Orks) than they know what to do with, become Freebootas, which wear eccentric outfits, and travel the stars in Space 'Ulks, or Kroozas, which are space ships, mostly stolen Imperial Ships. They mostly take on the appearance of Pirates. In addition to the clan colors, some players will also paint the faces of their ork armies blue in a "Woad" fashion (due to the ork belief that blue is a lucky color). While these colors are mainly aesthetic, the ork codex does feature some rules such as "Da red wunz go fasta!" and it is required that ork vehicles with this upgrade actually feature red paint. With the exception of army colors, ork armies are largely green with varying shades of hair colors and teeth. Color schemes for orks are typically very rough and sloppy with lots of "rust" and "dirt" colorings.

