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Organization of the National Archives and Records Administration

The organization of the National Archives and Records Administration refers to the administrative and bureaucratic structure of the National Archives and Records Administration of the United States. The National Archives is considered an independent federal government agency, receiving this status in 1985 after existing under the General Services Administration since the National Archives' founding in 1934.

The National Archives is overseen by its chief official, the Archivist of the United States who is a political appointee of the President but is not a member of the cabinet. The current Archivist of the United States is David Ferriero. The Archivist is directly assisted by the Deputy Archivist of the United States who acts a second in command of the National Archives. The current deputy archivist is Debra Steidel Wall.

Directly reporting to the Archivist of the United States are the chiefs of the four main Archival offices. These are the:

The National Archives Executive Secretariat is an internal office reporting to the Chief of Staff. Also reporting to the Archivist of the United States are several independent branches of the National Archives which operate with autonomy concerning their respective areas of expertise. These are the:

The Archivist of the United States also serves as Chairman of the National Historical Publications and Records Commission.

The Chief Operating Officer of the National Archives leads the bulk of the National Archives physical facilities operations as well as oversees day-to-day archival activities. The current NARA Chief Operating Officer as of 2017 is William J. Bosanko. Directly subordinate to the Chief Operating Officer are four internal offices, concerned with various aspect of National Archives operations, organized as follows:

Reporting directly to the Chief Operating Office are three executive officers covering the three operational areas of the National Archives (research, agency, and museum services)

Research services is the most visible face of the National Archives, as it provides archival services to the public. The office is headed by an Executive for Research Services who, as of 2017, is Ann Cummings. The research services of the National Archives are considered susceptible to a government shutdown, meaning that public access to the National Archives will be closed in such an event.There are three main sub-offices of research services, these being:

