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OpenSAF is an open-source software project to develop high availability middleware consistent with Service Availability Forum (SA Forum) specifications, under the LGPLv2.1 license. The OpenSAF Foundation was established by communications and enterprise computing companies to accelerate the adoption of OpenSAF in commercial products. In March 2010 network equipment provider Ericsson AB, announced commercial deployment of OpenSAF in carrier networks and GoAhead Software a provider of commercial off-the-shelf high availability middleware made a press release.

The OpenSAF project was informally started in mid-2007. The OpenSAF Foundations was founded on January 22, 2008 with Emerson Network Power, Ericsson, Nokia Siemens Networks, HP and SUN Microsystems as founding members. Since its launch Wind River, Huawei, IP Infusion, Tail-f, Aricent, GoAhead Software and Rancore Technologies have joined the foundation. Day-to-day operations of the foundation are managed by VTM, Inc.

Following the release of each major version of the OpenSAF software the OpenSAF Project community hold a developer conference (Developer Days). The first conference was hosted by Nokia Siemens Networks in Munich (Germany), second conference was hosted by Huawei in Shenzhen (China), and third conference was hosted by HP in Palo Alto (USA). In 2011, the OpenSAF Conference expanded to include materials for adopters and academics in addition to developers. The event was held in May, 2011 at MIT University in Boston, MA and was sponsored by Ericsson, GoAhead Software, HP and Wind River Systems. Based on the success of the conference and positive feedback from the open source community, Ericsson hosted an OpenSAF European Symposium in September, 2011 in Stockholm, Sweden.

