Oobu Joobu was a radio show created by Paul McCartney in 1995 and described by McCartney as "wide-screen radio". The program aired on the American radio network Westwood One and its name was inspired by a BBC production of Alfred Jarry's Ubu Cocu. Because the show's material included demos, rehearsals, live performances, and unreleased recordings of Paul McCartney and The Beatles, many of the programs have been bootlegged.
Broadcast during the weekend of 27 May 1995.
Broadcast during the weekend of 29 May 1995.
Broadcast during the weekend of 5 June 1995.
Broadcast during the weekend of 12 June 1995.
Broadcast during the weekend of 19 June 1995.
Broadcast during the weekend of 26 June 1995.
Broadcast during the weekend of 3 July 1995.
Broadcast during the weekend of 10 July 1995.
Broadcast during the weekend of 17 July 1995.
Broadcast during the weekend of 24 July 1995.
Broadcast during the weekend of 31 July 1995.
Broadcast during the weekend of 7 August 1995.
Broadcast during the weekend of 14 August 1995.
Broadcast during the weekend of 21 August 1995.
Broadcast during the weekend of 1–4 September 1995.
Tracks from the Oobu Joobu radio series also officially appeared on McCartney's Flaming Pie related singles. The "songs" are mostly 10-minute jumbles of various demos, rehearsal, live, and unreleased recordings.
"Oobu Joobu" (Part 1) contains:
"Oobu Joobu" (Part 2) contains:
"Oobu Joobu" (Part 3) contains:
"Oobu Joobu" (Part 4) contains:
"Oobu Joobu" (Part 5) contains:
"Oobu Joobu" (Part 6) contains:
In 1997, Best Buy released an exclusive CD titled Oobu Joobu Ecology. The CD, an edited version of Show 5 in the radio series, was banded as one single 41:52 track. It was limited to 3000 copies.