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One-off housing

One-off housing is a term used in Ireland to refer to the building of individual rural houses, outside of towns and villages. The term is used to contrast with housing developments where multiple units are constructed as part of a housing estate or city street. Less commonly, the term is used to refer to infill housing in suburban areas. There is currently much debate about the desirability of this type of development.

Other than being located outside any town or village, a typical one-off house built in the last twenty years is likely to be a bungalow of concrete block construction 1,500–2,500 square feet in floor area, with a rectangular footprint and a pitched roof. Dormer windows are often set in the roof, indicating a converted loft. The building is sited in a rectangular plot of around ½-1-acre (4,000 m2). Windows are typically double-glazed with white uPVC frames. A garage with pitched roof is located to one side and cars are parked in front of the house. A fence separates the front of the plot from the road with a single entrance for cars marked by concrete gate posts and a cattle grid.

More ornate houses may have Spanish style features such as an arched portico and terra cotta tiles. Some dwellings make classical allusions by placing pillars before the front door, supporting a pediment over an open porch. Others make use of Victorian features, such as bay windows cast iron lamp stands and red brick walls.

A septic tank is used for sewage treatment, a well is drilled to provide fresh water, while a satellite dish provides television reception.

Government officials stated at a planning conference in 2001 that 36% of dwellings built in 2000 in Ireland were one-off houses. Recent years have seen a huge increase in the supply of all types of housing in Ireland with 547,000 houses, equivalent to a third of the total national housing stock, built in the period 1996–2006

A 2002 publication by the ESRI reported that one third of Ireland's housing stock consists of one-off houses.

Of 11,604 houses granted planning permission in Ireland in 2010, 48% were for one-off houses.

