Ofa Swann is a Fijian lawyer and former politician. Originally from Vanua Balavu in the Lau archipelago, Swann served in the House of Representatives from 1999 to 2006, when she became Secretary of the Fiji Law Society.
Swann was noted for remaining loyal to the New Labour Unity Party (NLUP) after Kenneth Zinck, the only other NLUP candidate elected to Parliament, defied orders from the party and joined the Cabinet as Minister of Labour. Swann remained on the Opposition benches, where she gained a reputation as a strong debater.
Swann was regarded as a strong Fijian nationalist, but in a national rather than a racial sense. She called for the British Union Flag to be removed from the Fijian flag, and for the observance of Queen's Birthday to be discontinued as a national holiday. She also called for the removal of the portrait of Queen Elizabeth II from Fiji's currency. Despite having been a republic since 1987, Fiji had kept, for cultural and historical reasons, many of the trappings of its old connection to the British Monarchy. "These are just some of the things that disturb me considering our drive to take ownership of our country and make a statement about us being Fiji Islanders," she said on 8 August 2005. It was time, she considered, to make a change.
In her dealings with other politicians, Swann was regarded as more moderate than many others, and was known to defend her rivals against unfair attacks. On 23 September 2005, she defended Prime Minister Laisenia Qarase against claims of racism. She said that such allegations were made by misinformed people, and that an analysis of government loans handed out to students, many of them Indo-Fijian, proved that he was not a racist.