Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, founded in 1930, is the higher education establishment of the highest level accreditation of the Ukrainian education system. Since 1991 The Academy has been a member of the European and International Association of Universities, and in 2007 it signed the Bologna Convention. The Academy's education process is carried out according to the multilevel system: Bachelor - Specialist - Master.
The Academy consists of the Architectural Institute, the Construction Technological Institute, the Civil Engineering Institute, the Institute of Engineering and Ecological Systems and has such faculties as Building, Economics and Construction Management, the Design of Industrial and Housing Construction, Hydro-technical and Transport Construction, the Centre of Post-Diploma Education, the Centre of specialists training for foreign countries, the centre of Pre-Academic Education that train specialists in such specialties as Painting, the Economy of Business, Marketing, Management, Building, Architecture, Hydro-techniques (Water-Supply), Geodesy, Card-Graphics and Land Cadastre.
The Academy staff is made up of 585 teachers who work at 43 departments: 87 are professors and hold Doctorates of Science, 258 have a Ph.D., most of them are elected Academics of branch Academies and are also Laureates of State International Awards, Honored Statesmen of Science and Techniques, and workers of the Ukrainian Higher School.
Today, more than 9,000 students are educated at the Academy. The Academy has powerful experimental base, close ties with modern building and many designing organizations. Ten branches of the Academy are created on the concerns of Odessa. The educational process and scientific research in primarily scientific directions take place in specialized rooms, scientific and laboratory complexes equipped with modern means of studying. The library that offers more than 500,000 copies of books in special literature and fiction is part of the students services.
Four Departments or Branch Academies function on the main campus. They are Building, Engineering, Architecture, and International Academy of Computer Science and Systems. The Specialized Academic Councils in the defense of doctoral thesis and thesis for D.Ph. Degree in seven specialties and in five specialties in the defense of doctoral thesis are also available.
The Academy realizes the International Cooperation with more than 20 Universities and Institutes of Europe and Asia and also such as the Scientific Research Ferro - Concrete Institute (Moscow, Russian), the Scientific Research Institute of Building Constructions (Moscow, Russia), the Technological University (Gdansk, Poland), the Chemical Technological and Metal-Operating University (Sophia, Bulgaria), the State university named after Vladimir (Russia), the University of Architecture, Building and Geodesy (Sophia, Bulgaria), the Architectural School (Morsel, France), etc.