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Országos Középiskolai Tanulmányi Verseny (OKTV) in Hungarian (rough translation: "National Secondary School Academic Competition"), is the most famous high leveled competition of Hungary (after qualification for Olympiads), whose winners usually are selected for ISOs, and they often receive gold medals or become Over All Winners. Students 15–18 years old (grades 9-12) complete in various subjects, such as natural sciences, IT, mathematics, history, philosophy, Hungarian literature and foreign languages. The top competitors have a significant advantage when they are applying for Hungarian universities. Usually, the ten best students are awarded exemption, but the number of awardees is determined for each subject at the beginning of each school year by the Ministry of Education.

The competition requirements are increasingly higher than IB's or Hungarian matura's, because the solution of these tasks need not only eminent knowledge of facts, but also creativity.

Students in 10th or 11th grade who were granted exemption from taking entrance exams were eligible for a scholarship in one of the United World Colleges. However, as of 2004, these scholarships are open for other applicants, the grade requirements remaining the same.

