Nuño Fernández (fl. 920–27) was a nobleman of the Kingdom of León. He held both the counties of Burgos and Castile.
Nuño was probably the brother of Gonzalo Fernández, who was the count of Burgos and Castile until at least 915. This would makehim a son of Fernando Muñoz and grandson of Munio Núñez de Brañosera. His namesake was his great-grandfather, another Nuño. Although records are too scarce to be sure, Nuño probably succeeded his brother in Burgos, but not in Castile, where Count Fernando was in power in 917.
According to the Anales Castellanos Primeros, in 912 King García I of León charged three counts with repopulating the Castilian lands down to the river Duero: Count Gonzalo Téllez of Lantarón, Count Munio Núñez of Castile and Gonzalo Fernández. It is likely that Gonzalo's younger brother Nuño was involved in this major act of resettlement. Gonzalo was responsible for the towns of Aza, Clunia and San Esteban. Possibly, Gonzalo and Nuño had engineered the coup that forced Alfonso III to abdicate and put García on the throne in 910.
In 920, Nuño and two other counts, Fernando Ansúrez and Abolmóndar Albo, along with the latter's son Diego, defied King Ordoño II and refused to participate in a defensive war against the Caliphate of Córdoba. The king summoned them to Tebular on the river Carrión and had them imprisoned.