Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management, NSUEM (full name Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Education «Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management») – social and economic higher education institute in Novosibirsk, Russia.
By the 1 of October, 2015 NSUEM contains: Business College, 4 faculties, 27 Departments, 7 branches in Tomsk, Kemerovo, Novosibirsk regions, in Altay and Khakassia Republics and in the Altai district
In 1929 Siberian Institute of National Economy was launched in Novosibirsk, and was based in the contemporary building of Novosibirsk State architectural and art Academy. The main aim was to provide the economic managers for the national economics. Teaching staff in 1929 consisted of 10 people and in 1931 it gained up to 57, within them: 4 professors, 19 associate professors.
In the first academic year Institute launched 4 faculties: planned economy, industrial, product exchange and distribution, economic and agricultural management.
In 1967 according to Administrative order by the Minister of high and secondary education ) Novosibirsk Institute of National Economy (NINE) was launched on the basis of All Union correspondence financial-and-economic Institute branch. NINE was launched on the 1 of August 1968. The first rector was Victor Pervushin.
In 1986 Peter Shemetov became rector. He was aimed on pre-entry preparation and bringing up a multi-level educational system in Institute. He launched Doctorate degree education and printing and publications center.
An important place was given to the pre-higher education faculty, which was later transformed into Economic lyceum – the first behind the Urals. In those years there was shortage of qualified specialists in the fields of economics (financiers, accountants and etc.). And the Institute met this demand.
In 1994 the Institute received the status of the Academy, and in 2004, the status of the University. The University status led NSUEM to a new name: Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management.
Some structures of modern NSUEM were created in post-soviet time.
There are:
In 1991 Thesis board was organized. In 1992 Institute has become an experimental place to launch double level education system: Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s degree.
In January, 2001 for the first NINE issued its magazine “Our Academy”
In September 2012 the 5th academic block was delivered, and before that NSUEM launched the 4th academic block.
Since 7 June 2014 NSUEM is headed by Alexandr Novikov.
University was reorganized:
Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management (NSUEM) is the biggest educational complex in the field of economics in Western Siberia.