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Norwegian order of precedence

The Norwegian order of precedence is the hierarchy of officials in the Government of Norway used to direct seating and ranking on formal occasions, decided by the King, which came into effect from 1 July 1993.

I. The President of the National Assembly, the Prime Minister, the Chief of the Supreme Court, the Vice President of the National Assembly and members of the Cabinet with spouses have, in the Royal Court, rank and seat second to the Royal Family and foreign royal and princely persons. Following these, the Lord Chamberlain, ambassadors of foreign powers, the presidents and vice presidents of the Lagting and Odelsting with spouses.

II. Officials of the Court have rank and file as such:

III. Bearers of The Royal Norwegian Order of St. Olav's Grand Cross with collar have rank and seat directly after the Mistress of the Robes. Bearers of the War Cross (Krigskorset) with sword, the Medal for Outstanding Civic Achievement (Medaljen for Borgerdåd), the Grand Cross of the Royal Norwegian Order of St. Olav and the Royal Order of Merit's Grand Cross have rank and seat before Marshals of the Court and Cabinet Secretaries.

IV. Civil servants in the State's employment have same rank and seat as dignitaries of the court of the same rank, after seniority. Unranked spouses follow the rank of the ranked spouse.

V. Those by court employed who are given an honourable discharge keep their position's title and rank.

