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Norwegian Institute of Technology

The Norwegian Institute of Technology, known by its Norwegian abbreviation NTH (Norges tekniske høgskole) was a science institute in Trondheim, Norway. It was established in 1910, and existed as an independent technical university for 58 years, after which it was merged into the University of Trondheim as an independent college.

In 1996 NTH ceased to exist as an organizational superstructure when the university was restructured and rebranded. The former NTH departments are now basic building blocks of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).

NTH was primarily a polytechnic institute, educating master level engineers as well as architects. In 1992 NTH had 7627 master and doctoral students and 1591 employees; it graduated 1262 chartered engineers (master level), 52 chartered architects, and 92 Dr.Ing. (Ph.D.). The operating budget was equivalent to USD 100 M, and the total premises amounted to around 260,000 m² (64 acres).

Since the merger, it forms a part of the University campus commonly known as Gløshaugen, from the geographical area in which it is situated.

The decision to establish a Norwegian national college of technology was made by the Norwegian parliament, the Storting, in 1900, after years of heated debate on where the institution should be located; many representatives felt that the capital Kristiania was self-evident as the place for this nationally important seat of learning. However, eventually NTH was located in the geographically central city of Trondhjem, based on an emerging policy of decentralisation as well as the city's existing and highly esteemed technical college (Trondhjems Tekniske Læreanstalt).

Five academical departments were originally present in the parliament's resolution of 31 May 1900:

