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Norsk Toppfotball football awards

Norsk Toppfotballs football award consist of a monthly and a yearly award for the best coach in the Tippeliga. The clubs union Norsk Toppfotball, TV 2 and the coaches union Trenerforeningen chooses the winner i both categories. All the coaches in the Tippeliga and the Adeccoliga have a vote.

Coach of the month

Coach of the year

Norsk Toppfotballs football award consist of a monthly and a yearly award for the best player in the Tippeliga. Four players are nominated by a jury consisting by representatives from the clubs union Norsk Toppfotball and TV 2. The readers of fxt.no vote for their favourite, and based on the votes and the player's efforts, the jury pick out a winner, who receives a bronze statuette.

Player of the month

Player of the year

