The Norman Conks (or Norman Conquerors) were a large Catholic sectarian street gang active in Glasgow. It was one of the popular Glasgow razor gangs, and was active from the 1880s to the 1960s, with its headquarters and most of their members based about the Catholic area of Norman Street in Bridgeton. They were initially a penny mob, but evolved into a larger, influential gang. They were often involved in street fighting with the Protestant Billy Boys of Bridgeton. The gang included girls.
Members of the early fifties included Willie (Johnnie) Johnston, John Law, Jim (Skip) Skiverton, Martin Bruen, John Rogers, Danny Law, John Doyle, and Louie Doyle.
Members of the Norman Conks from the late fifties and early sixties included John Fay, John McMillan, Billy Smith, Eddie Harvey, Tam McCall, Mick Molloy, Billy Wilson, Hughie Robertson, and Tam Meechan.