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Noel Frederick Hall

Noel Frederick Hall (1902–1983) was an economist and academic who was one of Britain's earliest post-war specialists in business theory and education. He was Professor of Political Economy at University College London, co-founder of what is now Henley Business School and Principal of Brasenose College, Oxford.

As an undergraduate at Brasenose, Noel Hall achieved a first in Modern history and distinction in the Oxford University Certificate in Social Anthropology (1925), after which he was granted a Commonwealth Fund (Harkness) fellowship to study economics at Princeton where he was awarded Artium Magister (1926).

He taught at University College London (UCL) from 1927–38, where he recruited Hugh Gaitskell as an assistant lecturer. Hall was UCL's Professor of Political economy from 1935 to 1938, when he was appointed Director of the newly created National Institute of Economic and Social Research (1938–43). In World War II he served in a senior position at the Ministry of Economic Warfare and then led the War Trade department at the British embassy in Washington.

Noel Hall stayed in the US after the war to make a study of interest rates at Princeton's Institute for Advanced Study and on his return to Britain was the founding Principal of the Administrative staff College, Henley. He was knighted in 1957.

