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Nishmat (נִשְׁמַת or Nishmat Kol Chai, The breath of every living thing) is a Jewish prayer that is recited following the Song of the Sea during Pesukei D'Zimrah but before Yishtabach on Shabbat and Yom Tov. It is also recited during the Passover seder in some traditions. The recitation of this prayer is not required by halakha in Judaism, but nevertheless, is prized by halakhic authorities because the concepts covered in this prayer are basic to Halakha.

Nishmat and Yishtabach are in some ways considered to be one long prayer, abridged just to Yishtabach on weekdays when there is no time to recite the entire prayer.

In this prayer, the word Nishmat (the combining form of Nishmah נִשְׁמָה breath) that begins the prayer is related to the word neshama (נְשָׁמָה soul), suggesting that the soul is part of the breath of all life. The theme of the prayer is the uniqueness of God.

Some hold that answers to certain issues of Jewish law (halakha) can be derived from the prayer Nishmat. The commandment Do not lie idly by the blood of your neighbor requires a person to rescue another s/he sees is in danger. But from Nishmat, it can be seen that one who is not physically present where the danger is taking place is exempt from performing any rescue action. Some examples of this include the obligation to rescue a person from a burning building in one's own location, but an exemption from the obligation to donate an organ when doing so can save a life (though doing so is still permitted).

Nishmat is considered one of the masterpieces of Jewish liturgy. It is seen as a journey of self-discovery, describing God as a source of prayer.

The composition date of this prayer is believed to have be from the Amoraic era or earlier. In the Talmud (Bavli Pesahim 118a), Rabbi Yochanan bar Nafcha (180-279 CE), states that this prayer should be recited during the Passover Seder after Hallel. This has been current practice at least since the Geonic period (c. 800-1000 CE). While this is the earliest known reference to the prayer, there are opinions that it may be older.

