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Affiliation Goddess devi
Abode Nairhit loka
Weapon Scimitar,
Mount Crow

Nirṛti निरृति is the Hindu goddess of deathly hidden realms and sorrows, one of the dikpāla (Guardians of the directions), representing the southwest. The name nirhti has the meaning of "absence of ".

Nirrti is a Ketu ruled nakshatra in vedic astrology, strongly associated with Kali in form Dhumavati. Nirṛti is mentioned in a few hymns of the Rigveda, mostly to seek protection from her or imploring for her during a possible departure. In one hymn (X.59), she is mentioned several times. This hymn, after summing up her nature, also asks for her in departure from the sacrificial site. In the Atharva Veda (V.7.9), she is described as having golden locks. In the Taittiriya Brahmana (I.6.1.4), Nirṛti is described as dark, dressed in dark clothes and her sacrificial shares are dark husks. In the sacred Shatapatha Brahmana (X.1.2.9), she is associated with the southwest quarter as her region. But elsewhere in the same text (V.2.3.3.) she is mentioned as living in the kingdom of the dead.

" Alakshmim krishnavarnamcha krodhanam kalahapriyam,

Krishnavastram paridhanam lauhavaranabhushitam.

Vagnasanasham dwibhujam sharkaraghrishtachandanam,

samarjanisabyastahastam dakshina hastasurpakam.

Tailavyangitagatramcha gardhavaroham bhaje."

The goddess has a dark black complexion. Similar to Devi Kali. Nirrhiti is also similar to Mahavidyas, Dhumavati. She is also named Alakshmi, and she wears a black dress and iron ornaments. She uses a large crow as her vehicle. She holds a scimitar.

In puranic story Nirrhiti is known as Alakshmi. When the ocean was churned to get ambrosia, the venom kalkuta released from that a goddess was born known as Nirrhiti . After that goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth. So Nirrhiti is considered as elder sister of Lakshmi. Lakshmi presides on wealth, and Nirriti presides on sorrows that is why she is called Alakshmi.

