The Newark Supergroup, also known as the Newark Group, is an assemblage of Upper Triassic and Lower Jurassic sedimentary rocks which outcrop intermittently along the United States East Coast; the exposures extend from Massachusetts to North Carolina, with more still in Nova Scotia. It is named for the city of Newark, New Jersey.
The Newark Supergroup consists largely of poorly sorted nonmarine sediments; typical rocks are breccia, conglomerate, arkose sandstone, siltstone, and shale. Most of the strata are red beds that feature ripple marks, mud cracks, and even rain drop prints; dinosaur footprints are common, though actual body fossils are very rare. Some of the strata are detailed to the level of varves, with indications of Milankovitch cycles. In preserved lake sediments, Semionotus fossils are especially common.
The Newark sediments are extremely thick (up to 6 kilometers); they were deposited in a series of half-grabens that were themselves faulted into block mountains. The beds dip to the east, while the faults dip westward. The beds are intruded by numerous dikes and sills, indicative of considerable igneous activity; a superb example is the New Jersey Palisades sill.