New Scandinavian Cooking is a Scandinavian cooking show which, over the course of ten seasons, was hosted by Andreas Viestad, Tina Nordström, and Claus Meyer, produced by the Norwegian production company Tellus Works in collaboration with American Public Television (APT). A sequel series titled Perfect Day continued with the original hosts in rotation, with the cast addition of Sara La Fountain. It is also broadcast on channels such as AFC.
Beginning in 2003, the show debuted on PBS in the United States (72% of the 347 regional PBS channels). It has also been broadcast in more than 130 other countries, including the United Kingdom, China, Germany, Italy, and France, according to the show's producers a viewership of 100 million per episode. The first, second, fourth, fifth, and sixth seasons were hosted by Norwegian food writer Andreas Viestad, the third season by Swedish chef and television personality Tina Nordström, and the fifth season was hosted by Danish chef and cookbook author Claus Meyer. The sixth season, a sequel series Perfect Day rotated the original hosts Viestad, Nordström, and Meyer, with the addition of Finnish TV chef Sara La Fountain. The seventh season was once again named New Scandinavian Cooking, and still rotated between the Nordic hosts. During the eight and ninth seasons Andreas continued the series on his own, with his passionate storytelling, fusing history, nature, and cooking – seeking out the origins of the food with his mobile kitchen. In season 10 which was broadcast in 2013, the last of the Nordic countries was introduced to the series namely Iceland, the land of fire and ice. The upcoming season 11 (2014) will reintroduce Swedish chef Tina Nordström in rotation with Norwegian chef Andreas Viestad.[5]