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This is a list of items from the BBC television series Doctor Who, as well as its spin-offs Torchwood and The Sarah Jane Adventures.

A worldwide mobile phone satellite network (composed of fifteen satellites) seen in "The Sound of Drums", the Archangel network creates a global low-level telepathic field which allows the Master to subtly influence the behaviour of the world's human population. It was first used to convince a substantial number of the British public to vote for his Mr. Saxon persona—individuals not affected included Clive Jones and Vivian Rook. It was later used to keep most of the human race afraid of the Master. The network also masks the Master's Time Lord nature from the Doctor. In "Last of the Time Lords", the Doctor uses the network to channel the combined psychic energy of the entire human race, after Martha had convinced them to think of the Doctor by name at the same moment.

A device which the First Doctor has on board the TARDIS. In The Web Planet, the Doctor was going to use his Astral Map to help the Zarbi "queen" find the Menoptra "invasion force." He used it again in Galaxy 4.

An item intended to screen the wearer from certain kinds of detection. A biodamper resembling a ring is placed on Donna Noble's finger in "The Runaway Bride", but the Doctor later realises it is ineffective, because Donna had been infused with Huon particles. Another one appeared in The Sarah Jane Adventures episode "The Empty Planet", in which a boy was wearing one without knowing it. He believed it to be a memento from his father; he was actually an exiled half-alien prince expected to replace his father as ruler of another planet.

