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The Neo-charismatic (also third-wave charismatic or hypercharismatic) movement is a movement within evangelical protestant Christianity which places emphasis on the use of charismata (or spiritual gifts) such as glossolalia, prophecy, divine healing, and divine revelation, which are believed to be given to them by the Holy Spirit. The Neo-charismatic movement is considered to be the "third wave" of the charismatic Christian tradition which began with Pentecostalism (the "first wave"), and was furthered by the evangelical charismatic movement (the "second wave"). Neo-charismatics are now believed to be more numerous than the first and second wave categories, combined, as a result of the growth of postdenominational and independent charismatic groups. As of 2002, there were estimated to be approximately 295 million adherents or participants in the neo-charismatic movement.

The term "Neo-charismatic" is descriptive of a theological movement which is loosely organized around a set of emergent doctrines, and does not exist as a formal denomination or organization. As a result, there is very little documentation of the movement's membership and doctrines, and even less which is not biased either towards or against it. Neo-charismatics, like Apostolics, Pentecostals and other charismatics, believe in and stress the post-Biblical availability of gifts of the Holy Spirit, including glossolalia (speaking in tongues), healing, and prophecy; moreover, they practice laying on of hands and seek the "infilling" of the Holy Spirit, although a specific experience of baptism with the Holy Spirit may not be requisite for experiencing such gifts.

