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Nema community

Nema नेमा (or Neema) is an Indian subcaste of Bania (बनिया)/ a merchant community mainly found in the state of Madhya Pradesh. Their name comes from their ancestor, King Nimi. Nema means one who lives in accordance with niyama (codes of conducts); in this case, these codes were prescribed by the sage

(2) peoples of Rajasthan -DK Samant https://books.google.co.in/books?id=vm_KCE4XXPMC&pg=PA704&lpg=PA704&dq=nema+surname&source=bl&ots=VylEelE6g4&sig=u5OGzkkb2KRo609pUN2yO1q5IVE&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjP9-HiorHLAhXIto4KHRtGBTUQ6AEIKDAF

1 http://www.gutenberg.org/files/22010/22010-h/22010-h.htm#d0e4439

2.The tribes and castes of the central provinces of India by Russell, Robert Vane, 1873-1915; Lal, Hira, rai bahadur, 1867-

