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Neil T. Anderson

Neil T Anderson is a best-selling author on spiritual freedom including 'Victory Over the Darkness','The Bondage Breaker', 'The Steps to Freedom in Christ' and 'Daily in Christ'. He is founder and president emeritus of Freedom in Christ Ministries. He was formerly chairman of the Practical Theology Department at Talbot School of Theology.

Dr. Anderson's legacy continues worldwide and throughout America as FICM-USA has developed CFMU, an online training program.

Neil Anderson was raised on a farm in Minnesota to Scandinavian parents. After high school he joined the Navy and received training as an electronics technician and also worked as a sea and rescue swimmer. After being discharged honorably from the Navy he joined engineering school. After graduation, he took up a job as an aerospace engineer. He found the Lord while attending a Lay Institute For Evangelism by Campus Crusade for Christ. Two years after coming to the Lord he resigned his position at Honeywell and enrolled at Talbot School of Theology, the graduate school of Biola University.

List of books authored by Neil T Anderson.

