Nauli is one of the Kriyas or Shatkarma (cleaning exercises) from Yoga. The exercise is claimed to serve the cleaning of the abdominal region - digestive organs, small intestine and is based on a massage of the internal belly organs by a circular movement of the abdominal muscles.
Nauli is an exercise of the classical Hatha Yoga but is not taught often in yoga schools. Nauli is considered as a difficult exercise, which can be learned only with perseverance and patience. There are four different variations, which are gradually learned one after another:
In yoga, Nauli generally recommended for the recovery of constipation. The exercise may clean the small intestine and eliminate digesting problems.
Nauli is generally done standing but it is possible to do it in other position like lotus, whereby the trunk is bent forward and is supported by the hands at the thighs. After a complete breath out the entire belly is strongly brought in and then the middle belly muscle is contracted and moved in a circle.