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Natsume Hyūga

The following is a list of characters from the anime and manga series, Gakuen Alice. Names are displayed in Western order (given name before surname).

Sakura Mikan (佐倉 蜜柑?) Voiced by: Kana Ueda

Mikan is the protagonist of the story. She is an optimistic, cute, athletic, and good-nature girl, but her clumsiness lands her into trouble. She is a cheerful and energetic person, much to the annoyance of her mellow-headed best friend, Hotaru, and used to live with her adoptive grandfather in the country before transferring to Alice Academy. Later in the series, it is revealed that Mikan is the daughter of Yuka Azumi and Izumi Yukihira. She is also the niece of the High School Principal on her father's side. Her father died before she was born and her mother left her with her adoptive grandfather to protect her from the academy.

She was shocked to hear that Hotaru was moving to an academy in Tokyo for young 'geniuses' and had become upset when she only sends her one letter during the time Hotaru left. When she heard rumors that students were like slaves in Alice Academy (felt was a possibility, since they gave money to parents for sending their children to the school), Mikan left her grandfather and her home to go after Hotaru by herself. She was then accepted to Alice Academy by Narumi-sensei and could attend Alice Academy with Hotaru and many other children. She was later told by Narumi that the so-called 'Alice' means a special power, not special academic results. At that time, Mikan didn't exactly know what her alice was.

She discovers that her alice is Nullification; an Alice which she inherited from her father, Yukihira Izumi. The Nullfication Alice can temporarily cancel out the powers of other Alices in close proximity to her. She also possesses the Stealing and Insertion Alices, which she inherited from her mother, Azumi Yuka. All of her Alices are very rare and special. In the early episodes it was stated that her Nullification Alice was unstable and worked best when protecting people she feels strongly for (i.e. Hotaru, Natsume, Ruka, etc.) However, Mikan is later able to control and utilize her powers effectively with help from her teacher, Nodacchi, and her partner, Natsume Hyuuga. At the beginning of the story, she was placed in the Special Abilities class, a class with students that have rare and uncommon Alices. Upon the discovery of her Stealing and Insertion Alice, she was transferred to the Dangerous Ability Class and forced into the Elementary School Principal's control. She is currently a Single Star, but the rank will most likely be changed to Special Star upon discovery of her Stealing Alice. Like her mother before her, her Stealing Alice caused her to receive unwanted attention from the Elementary School Principal and she becomes his favorite student. In chapter 96, she is moved to the Dangerous Ability Class by the Elementary Principal so he can gain use of her Stealing Alice, but Natsume and her friends come to her defense and help her escape from him.

