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National wealth

National (net) wealth, also net wealth (in Singapore), national net worth, gross national wealth (GNW), and total national wealth, is the total sum value of monetary assets minus liabilities of a given nation. It refers to the total value of wealth possessed by the citizens of a nation at a set point in time. This figure is an important indicator of a nation's ability to take on debt and sustain spending, and is influenced by not only real estate prices, but also by the stock market, human resources, technological advancements which may create new assets or render others worthless, national infrastructure and exchange rates. The most significant component by far among most developed nations is commonly reported as household net wealth or worth and reflects infrastructure investment. National wealth can fluctuate, as evidenced in the US data following the 2008 financial crisis and subsequent economic recovery.

The following table are estimates for 30 largest countries by net national wealth from 2000 to 2016 made by Credit Suisse based in Switzerland in November 2016.

The following table indicates the share of global wealth of the ten largest countries by net national wealth at given years. The share of global wealth of a country with 5% or more of global wealth at a given year is emboldened.

