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National identity card (South Korea)

Korean citizens are issued a national ID card when reaching age 17. This card contains a unique "Citizen's Registration Number" (jumin deungnok beonho; Korean: 주민등록번호). The first six numbers indicate the citizen's date of birth, while the last seven numbers includes information such as where the birth was registered. This resident registration number is used by Korean citizens for all forms of record-keeping.

In Korea, the origin of Identity Card appeared in Joseon Dynasty, it was called Hopaebub(호패법). Joseon Dynasty, which achieved a centralized national, it was mandatory to have an ID card for all people to effectively maintain the Class system, easy to getting tax and administration. After that The Korea Empire which succeeded Joseon Dynasty made ID card in the modern sense, Since the current identity cards were made in the Republic of Korea period.

There was a need to distinguish between friend and enemy since independence in 1945 the Government of the Republic of Korea established and soon after the outbreak of the Korean War. Thus first Residents ID card was issued to distinguish between friend and enemy in 1950. In Residents ID card, Detailed personal information such as address, occupation, and weight, blood type, etc. were written to fit the special circumstances of wartime.

Social Security numbers have its origins in the social security legislation in 1962. At that time its dual enrollment to citizens and residents was available so it was not performed properly. Then in 1968, after the ‘Kim Shin -jo incident’, when North Korean special forces stormed The Blue House, it amended the Social Security Act because Spy identifies were given a number to each citizen.

Social security number at the time consisted of 12 digits. In November 21, it was issued by former President Park Chung-hee identity card No. 1 to No. 110101-100001, and Mrs. Yuk Young-soo, was issued a second call to a number 110101-200002. At this time the front row was made with a number of regional issues, the back has been issued Order.

It is a 13-digit number such as this was written in 1975. Front row was the combination of date of birth, gender and birth backseat area, It was held a little more privacy than before. At this time there began to arise regulations that must be presented if the police officer asked.

In current Resident Registration Act, ID card must be mounted name, ID photo, fingerprint, published date and resident registration agency. But if the resident wants applicating blood type, it can be applicated on the basis of Presidential Decree. (2 of Art. 14 of the Residents Registration Law)

