The National Whistleblowers Center (NWC) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, tax exempt, educational and advocacy organization, founded and operated by the employment lawyers Kohn, Kohn and Colapinto, based in Washington, D.C.. Since its founding in 1988, the Center has worked on whistleblower cases relating to environmental protection, nuclear safety, and government and corporate accountability.
The full, stated mission of the NWC is:
The National Whistleblowers Center (NWC) is an advocacy organization with a 23-year history of protecting the right of individuals to speak out about wrongdoing in the workplace without fear of retaliation. Since 1988, NWC has supported whistleblowers in the courts and before Congress, achieving victories for environmental protection, nuclear safety, government ethics and corporate accountability. NWC also sponsors several educational and assistance programs, including an online resource center on whistleblower rights, a speakers bureau of national experts and former whistleblowers, and a national attorney referral service run by the NWC's sister group the National Whistleblower Legal Defense and Education Fund (NWLDEF). The National Whistleblowers Center is a non-partisan, non-profit organization based in Washington, DC.
NWC sponsors a number of programs in support of whistleblowers, including the following:
This national service provides legal referrals to whistleblowers in search of competent counsel, such as Kohn, Kohn & Colapinto, whose senior partner Stephen Kohn is executive director of the center. The ARS is composed of attorneys from across the nation who are interested in whistleblowing cases.
These programs are aimed at ensuring that employees are aware of the protections afforded to whistleblowers. As part of this effort, the Center's attorneys have authored the leading legal treatises on whistleblower protection and sponsor educational programs for employees, Congressional committees, public interest groups, attorneys and government-oversight agencies. These programs include presentations by the NWC Speakers Bureau, which consists of qualified and experienced speakers and presenters who are experts in their fields, and include prominent whistleblowers. The Center also sponsors regular training programs for public interest lawyers, law students and undergraduate students interested in public service.
After leading a successful six-year campaign to reform the FBI's Forensic Crime Lab, the Center's Forensic Justice Project has taken on a review of misconduct in crime labs nationwide. The cases under review have impacted many potential wrongful convictions, resulted in the review of thousands of cases, and given freedom to wrongfully convicted defendants. In addition to reviewing misconduct at state crime labs, the FJP continues to monitor and expose problems within the FBI and FBI crime lab.