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National Socialist Liberation Front

The National Socialist Liberation Front was originally established as a youth wing of the National Socialist White People's Party in 1969. In 1974 it was reconstituted as a separate National Socialist organization after its leader Joseph Tommasi had been expelled by NSWPP leader Matt Koehl.

The NSLF was established in 1969 by Tommasi, with the backing of William Luther Pierce, as a campus based revolutionary organization to compete with militant New Left militant groups. Ideological as well as personal differences began to develop between Tommassi and Koehl. At the Partys second congress in 1970, Tommasi denounced the conservative old guard of the party and called for immediate revolution. Koehl expelled him from the Party in 1973, claiming that he was smoking marijuana and entertaining young women at party headquarters, as well as misuse of party funds. One of the NSLFs recruits during this period was Louisiana State University student David Duke.

The NSLF was reconstituted as a new organization on March 2, 1974 "in the presence of 43 National Socialist revolutionaries" in El Monte, California. The NSLF broke with established National Socialist tradition, eschewing browshirt uniforms and abandoning attempts to raise a "mass movement" of supporters to win power legalistically. Instead, Tommasi argued that it was best for small bands of "National Socialist revolutionaries" to arm themselves and conduct guerrilla warfare. The new organization was structured as a two tiered entity, with a legal "aboveground" membership - which at most included forty members - and a smaller "underground" that was dedicated to violent, revolutionary action. This group included Tommasi, Karl Hand, David Rust and James Mason, the latter of whom was not an official member of the NSLF.

