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National Justice Project

The National Justice Project (NJP) is a not for profit legal service established to promote human rights, social justice and to fight against disadvantage and discrimination in Australia through strategic legal action, effective advocacy and communication.

The Project brings together academics, legal practitioners and advocates from a wide range of disciplines to identify, assess and conduct test-case litigation. In order to do so it generates research and has developed expertise in identifying test-cases with the potential to contribute to long-term and strategic change to the Australian legal system and amongst our near neighbours.

in order to select and undertake strategic ligation that advances social justice and human rights in Australia and among its near neighbours.

George Newhouse, is the Principal Solicitor of the NJP and an Adjunct Professor at Macquarie University Law School. The project also operates a social justice clinic located within the Macquarie University in NSW.

The clinic provides practical legal experience and training for law students as part of the NJP's commitment to social change.

The NJP's main projects are:

The Aboriginal Health Matters Project (the AHM) is the first of its kind in Australia. The AHM project is dedicated to using the law to highlight cases of medical mistreatment of Aboriginal Australians based on systemic policy failures and unconscious bias or racial profiling. .

There are many in the community who aim to improve the health and welfare of Aboriginal Australians but the ALM initiative is focused on the legal response to the problem. Our strategically selected cases are calculated to:

• raise awareness about the poor treatment and outcomes for Aboriginal/Indigenous Australians on their journey through the health system – particularly focused on emergency or hospital interactions; and

• seek reform in Medical Practice and independent review of the treatment of Aboriginal/Indigenous Australians in the health system nationally.

The AHM focuses on achieving real outcomes for Aboriginal Australians by working with Aboriginal doctors, Aboriginal legal and Health services and Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning Research Unit, wh to build close associations with Aboriginal communities and generate research to steer strategic case selection. The AHM Project builds on existing research and relationships with Aboriginal and Community Legal Centres to support the legal work of the Project.

