The German National Platform for Electric Mobility ("Nationale Plattform Elektromobilität") is an advisory council of the German Federal Government for electric vehicle introduction. It consists of the top representatives of industry (10 Members), politics (6), science (3), associations (3) and unions (1). It was officially established on 3 May 2010 during a meeting with German chancellor Angela Merkel. Its task is to push on the National Development Plan for Electric Mobility ("Nationaler Entwicklungsplan Elektromobilität"). The goal for 2020 of the NPE is to develop Germany to the leading supplier and lead market for electric mobility and to gain an employment effect of 30,000 additional jobs.
The foundation for the promotion of electric mobility in Germany has been set with the Integrated Energy and Climate Programme of the Federal Government decided in 2007. Concrete measures were proposed in connection with the National Strategy Conference on Electromobility at the end of 2008. First fundings followed under the second economic stimulus package in early 2009. Before that, the industry had formed a so-called Innovation Alliance "LIB 2015". This industry consortium committed to invest 360 million euros for research and development of lithium-ion batteries.
The economic stimulus package brought up an amount of 500 million euros for projects in 15 topics. funded by the Federal Ministries of Economics and Technology (BMWi), of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs (BMVBS), for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), of Education and Research (BMBF) and of Food, Agriculture and Consumer protection (BMELV). The actual implementation was mostly coordinated by partners like the VDI/VDE-IT that already coordinated previous developments in electric mobility like research and development of batteries.