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National Criminal Justice Association

The National Criminal Justice Association (NCJA) is a Washington, D.C. based organization that represents a variety of local, state, and tribal governments on crime prevention and control issues. The organization primarily works as a public policy liaison that promotes understanding of the best criminal justice practices between federal and state governments.

The NCJA is governed by the NCJA Advisory Council, which is composed of high level state and tribal officials from their respective jurisdictions. Members on the council are elected by the general NCJA membership, with members from each of the four regions of the United States. The Advisory Council in turn elects 16 members to the Board of Directors to oversee NCJA activities. Members of the Advisory Council are listed on the NCJA website.

The NCJA's positions on criminal justice policy, as approved by the NCJA Advisory Council, are posted on their official website.

The NCJA believes that the safety and security of the public, and of the public's constitutional protections are fundamental to the American Criminal Justice System. System-wide planning and information sharing, as well as constant assessments and evaluation of information technology are necessary for the effective operation of the criminal justice system. Adequate funding that is used effectively is also seen as essential for the attainment of efficient and effective homeland security, public safety and criminal justice.

The NCJA encourages public and private collaboration at all levels to combat fear of violence in communities. Critical to appropriate strategies to combat community violence, according to NCJA, are accurate reporting of crime and analysis of actual crime trends; Trust and confidence in the criminal justice system achieved by quickly addressing criminal problems with well trained personnel; and informing victims and witness about law enforcement and prosecution efforts.

The NCJA say that while prisons are necessary components of the criminal justice system, alternative sentencing options are important for relieving prison overcrowding, especially for non-violent offenders. Also, prisons should adequately address public and mental health concerns as institutions of last resort for individuals who need treatment in a prison institution.

The NCJA believes that crime victims must be treated with fairness, respect and dignity, and have any further harm from their involvement in the justice system prevented.

Crime Victims should have guaranteed rights, including "the right to privacy, to protection from intimidation, to case status information, to recovery of reasonable reparation, and to due process within justice proceedings."

