Nancy Drew, Girl Detective replaced the long-running Nancy Drew mysteries series, which began in 1930. This new series is written in first person narration, from Nancy's point of view, and features updated and overhauled versions of the main Nancy Drew characters. Nancy Drew in this version is a less than perfect teenage girl prone to forgetfulness, an object of jokes, and interested in other subjects over mysteries. Bess Marvin has gained skills in mechanics and computers and is no longer slightly overweight, and described as fashionable and trendy. George Fayne has become moody and sloppily dressed in this series, always more interested in tech and sarcastic retorts than solving mysteries. New secondary characters are introduced to populate River Heights and appear over multiple books, adding a framework to Nancy's world. Bess and George also gain siblings and family members with careers. Though this series has many improvements over the Nancy Drew Mystery Stories, the drastic change in the main characters' personalities was hard for many readers to accept. In 2013 Nancy Drew, Girl Detective was replaced with the Nancy Drew Diaries series.
In the 90s and early 2000s, sales of the Nancy Drew novel series began to drop. At a Nancy Drew conference held in early 2005 in New York, a Simon and Schuster representative said that the digests had been selling about 30,000 copies. In order to boost sales, the original series was ended and the Nancy Drew series re-launched.
This new incarnation of Nancy Drew was initially supervised by Bonnie Bryant (Jacobson). The first volume of the new series, Without a Trace, reached the New York Times bestseller list in the Children’s Series category and #113 on USA Today’s Top 150 sellers list due to the .99 cents introductory price.
The publisher describes the series in the following way:
Books in the Nancy Drew: Girl Detective are released in paperback format by Simon & Schuster. From 2008 to 2012, the mysteries were presented as 3-book mini arcs, drawing the mystery out over three distinct, but linked, titles. The re-designed covers feature model Jessica Silverman as Nancy Drew.
Nancy Drew (All New) Girl Detective (2004–2012)
1. Without a Trace, (Mar 2004)
2. A Race Against Time, (Mar 2004)
3. False Notes, (Mar 2004)
4. High Risk, (Mar 2004)
5. Lights...Camera..., (May 2004)
6. Action! (Jul 2004)
7. The Stolen Relic, (Sep 2004)
8. The Scarlet Macaw Scandal, (Nov 2004)
9. Secret of the Spa, (Jan 2005)
10. Uncivil Acts, (Mar 2005)
11. Riverboat Ruse, (May 2005)
12. Stop the Clock, (Jul 2005)
13. Trade Wind Danger, (Sep 2005)
14. Bad Times, Big Crimes, (Nov 2005)
15. Framed, (Jan 2006)
16. Dangerous Plays, (Mar 2006)
17. En Garde, (May 2006)
18. Pit of Vipers, (Jul 2006)
19. The Orchid Thief, (Sep 2006)
20. Getting Burned, (Nov 2006)
21. Close Encounters, (Jan 2007)
22. Dressed to Steal, (Mar 2007)
23. Troubled Waters, (May 2007)
24. Murder on the Set, (May 2007)
25. Trails of Treachery, (Aug 2007)
26. Fishing for Clues, (Oct 2007)
27. Intruder, (Dec 2007)
28. Mardi Gras Masquerade, (Feb 2008)
29. The Stolen Bones, (Apr 2008)