Nacel Open Door, Inc. is a nonprofit student exchange organization dedicated to international understanding and language education. [1]
Nacel Open Door, Inc. (NOD) is dedicated to promoting international understanding and language education. NOD believes it is essential for young people to develop a deeper awareness of their role as citizens of the world through direct experience in other cultures and languages, usually through homestays.
Nacel Open Door was formed in April 1997 by the merger of Nacel Cultural Exchanges and Open Door Student Exchange. Nacel Cultural Exchanges was founded in France by language teachers in 1957, and homestay exchanges with the U.S. began in 1969. Open Door Student Exchange was founded in 1964 to provide intercultural learning opportunities to high school students and their families.
The Nacel Open Door National Office is located in St. Paul, Minnesota. Roughly 25 Regional Coordinators, assisted by more than 200 Local Representatives, organize the programs on the state and local levels. NOD also employs both full-time and part-time employees to administer programs worldwide.
NOD is a member of Nacel International, a group of partner organizations that promote Nacel programs worldwide.
Nacel Open Door is listed by the Council on Standards for International Educational Travel (CSIET) [2] and is designated by the U.S. Department of State (formerly the USIA) as a J-1 Exchange Visitor Program Sponsor for the Academic Year Program. [3]
Nacel Open Door offers opportunities for families across the United States to host an international exchange student from one of the more than 35 countries with which Nacel Open Door works. AYP accepts foreign students ages 15 to 18 to live with a host family and attend high school in the host family's community for a semester, academic year or calendar year. [4] English language proficiency is required. Orientation is provided prior to leaving home, as well as after arriving in the U.S.