NORMAPME or European Office of Crafts, Trades and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises for Standardisation was created in 1996 by UEAPME with the support of the European Commission. German name is: Europäisches Büro des Handwerks und der Klein- und Mittelbetriebe für Normung.
NORMAPME participates/-ed in the standardisation process on behalf of SMEs and is an associate member of CEN, ISO, CENELEC & ETSI.
NORMAPME has been suspended earlier to the delegates meeting of EMU (European Metal Union) 19 September 2013 in Austria.
Any SMEs can regularly receive from NORMAPME updates on standardisation mandates, ongoing technical committees, issues and stakes for SMEs, and assistance to obtain CE marking, etc...
All publications and the website are translated in six languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Polish.
Founding members:
UEAPME : Union Européenne de l'Artisanat et des Petites et Moyennes Enterprises
EBC: European Builders Confederation
EMU: European Metal Union
JEUNE : Jeunes Entrepreneurs de l'Union Européene
IFD: International Federation for the Roofing Trade
Full members
CINET : Comité International de l'Entretien du Textile
ECAP: European Consortium of Anchors Produces
FEPPD : Fédération Européenne et Internationale des Patrons Prothésístes Dentaires
EVH: Europäsische Vereinigung des Holzbaus
GCI-UICP : Génie Climatique International-Union internationale de la plombiere et de la couverture