NEWUOA is a numerical optimization algorithm by Michael J. D. Powell. It is also the name of Powell's Fortran 77 implementation of the algorithm.
NEWUOA solves unconstrained optimization problems without using derivatives, which makes it a derivative-free algorithm. The algorithm is iterative and exploits trust-region technique. On each iteration, the algorithm establishes a model function by quadratic interpolation and then minimizes within a trust region.
One important feature of NEWUOA algorithm is the least Frobenius norm updating technique. Suppose that the objective function has variables, and one wants to uniquely determine the quadratic model by purely interpolating the function values of , then it is necessary to evaluate at points, as a quadratic polynomial of variables has this amount of independent coefficients. But this is impractical when is large, because the function values are supposed to be expensive in derivative-free optimization. In NEWUOA, the model interpolates only (an integer between and , typically of order ) function values of , and the remaining degrees of freedom are taken up by minimizing the Frobenius norm of . This technique mimics the least-change secant updates for quasi-Newton methods and can be considered as the derivative-free version of PSB update (Powell's symmetric Broyden update).