The NASDAQ Transportation Index (Symbol: TRAN) is a capitalization-weighted index designed to measure the performance of all NASDAQ stocks in the transportation sector. The index was developed with a base value of 100 as of February 5, 1971. The parent index is NASDAQ Composite Index.
The index closed the year 1990 at 417.07. The index closed the year 1999 at 999.11. In October 2007, it hit an all-time closing high of 3,107.87. Then in March 2009, it hit a six-year closing low of 1,242.50. In March 2014 it broke the high from 2007.
This list is current as of February 18, 2011. An up-to-date list is available in the External Links section. It should be noted that this is an alphabetical list, and not a ranked list
Name Symbol