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Mylor Harbour

Coordinates: 50°10′37″N 5°03′18″W / 50.177°N 5.055°W / 50.177; -5.055

Mylor Churchtown is a coastal village in Cornwall, England. It is the church town of the ecclesiastical parish of Mylor and is situated at the mouth of Mylor Creek, approximately five miles north of Falmouth.

Mylor Harbour is a large yacht marina immediately north of Mylor Churchtown. The marina is at the mouth of Mylor Creek at its confluence with Carrick Roads and is the home of Restronguet Sailing Club.

Mylor parish church (Anglican) is in Mylor Churchtown and is dedicated to St Melorus. The church has Norman origins. It is built on a cruciform plan and a south aisle was added in the 15th century. There is a small west tower but the bells (three in number, the earliest dated 1637) are in a detached campanile. One of these bells bears the Latin inscription EGO ME PRECO SE CLAMANDO CONTERIMUS AUDITE VENITE (i.e. Ego me, praeco se clamando conterimus; audite, venite − "I wear myself out, as the town-cirer wears himself out, by clamouring; give ear [and] come".

Features of interest include 13th-century carving of the Crucifixion outside the north transept, a 15th-century pillar piscina and the Elizabethan pulpit. The well preserved rood screen has the painted inscription in Cornish: "IARYS IONAI JESW CREST" (explained as a corrupt repainting of "MARYA JOHANNES JESUS CHRIST", i.e. Mary, John (the Evangelist), Jesus Christ). There are monuments to Francis Trefusis, one of the MPs for Penryn in 1679, dated 1680. and to Reginald Cocks (1805) by Richard Westmacott. A more recent memorial in the shape of a screen remembers the 31 victims of the Darlwyne disaster of 1966. A pleasure boat had been chartered from Greatwood, a then hotel near Restronguet, to take guests on a day trip to Fowey. She set out on the return voyage but was never seen again. The vicar, Frank Martin, played a significant role in helping the bereaved families. The wreck of the Darlwyne was reportedly found near Dodman Point on 31 July 2016 (exactly 50 years after its disappearance) by divers collaborating with the makers of the BBC's Inside Out South West.

